Eggs are the perfect protein food, great as the main attraction or side to any meal- Here are five things you need to know about eggs...
Eggs are the perfect protein food, great as the main attraction or side to any meal, whether it’s an omelet, topping a soup or salad, or grabbing a hardboiled egg for a quick snack, eggs pack a huge nutritional punch. Here are five things you need to know about eggs.
Eggs are a beauty food. Healthy protein sources like eggs, contain the building blocks for healthy hair, a low protein diet can lead to weak brittle hair. Eggs also contain biotin and vitamin B12, which are both beauty nutrients.
Don’t keep eggs in the refrigerator door. Do refrigerate immediately after purchase and between uses in the carton, but not in the refrigerator bin as air, odor, and bacteria can be absorbed easily through the porous shell. This might seem counterintuitive as many refrigerators have a specific holder for eggs… use it for something else!
Allergic to eggs? Look out for eggs or any of the following ingredients: albumin, egg- dried, powdered, solids, white, yolk, eggnog, lysozyme, mayonnaise, meringue, ovalbumin, and surimi. Keep in mind there are also some hidden sources of egg potentially including: the foam on the top of coffee or bar drinks, some egg substitutes, most commercially processed cooked pastas - including those used in prepared foods such as canned soup. Egg wash is sometimes used on pretzels and pies to make a shiny appealing coating. Ask before you eat!
Blood sugar. The latest study, published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, found that men who skipped breakfast more often had a 20 percent higher risk of type two diabetes than those who consumed breakfast. Keeping blood sugar stable is key to optimal wellness and weight. Starting off the day with a solid breakfast is key. Some great choices include a veggie omelet with whole grain toast, a yogurt based fresh or frozen fruit smoothie along side eggs.
Cholesterol isn’t all bad. Cholesterol from eggs, pasture raised, grass-fed meats, and dairy foods, when consumed within a whole foods based diet, in moderation is not harmful. The oxidized, or overcooked, oils and other products are where we can run into trouble. A study from the Chinese University in Hong Kong isolated oxidized cholesterol in foods and found that it both increases total cholesterol levels and promotes atherosclerosis; the hardening of the arteries.