Models become clearer for seafood sustainability in new Greenpeace report.
Retailers seeking a sustainable seafood culture in their stores could emulate leaders profiled in the eighth annual Greenpeace USA report, Carting Away The Oceans.
All isn’t green in the 26 chains examined: Just four of the top five – Whole Foods Market (7.28), Safeway (7.22), Wegmans (7.12) and Trader Joe’s (7.01) - earned the organization’s “good” rating, which requires a 7.00 measure on its 10-point scale. Rounding out the Top 10: Hy-Vee (#5, 6.63), Harris Teeter (#6, 6.62), Aldi (#7, 6.60), Target (6.43), Ahold USA (6.29), and Delhaize (6.11).
Greenpeace is also concerned that corporate shake-ups could alter the sustainability landscape. For example, Kroger (ranked #21) acquired Harris Teeter (#6). Which chain’s seafood sourcing policy will prevail? Ditto for Albertsons (#20) and Safeway (#2).
The most teachable profiles include:
The report also covers sustainability issues such as bycatch, irresponsible fishing methods, and the selling of endangered Red List species, in depth. It’s a valuable launching point for chains that aim to be more ethical and environmentally responsible –in part due to vocal customers that want them to be.