What foods should you shop for to make this Valentine's extra special? Here are seven foods to spice up your day!
What foods should you shop for to make this Valentine's extra special? Here are seven foods to spice up your day!
Avocado: it’s pear shape had the Aztecs convinced it was an aphrodisiac; add to that the fact that the fruit hangs from trees in pairs- use your imagination here! There could be some science behind this notion, as the fruit has high levels of vitamin E, which is a powerful antioxidant that helps keep energy high and assists with the structure and function of muscle tissue.
Chocolate: The connection between Valentine's Day and chocolate is more than just a marketing gimmick. Chocolate is known to elevate mood, due to two related alkaloid stimulants – theobromine and caffeine. It is also rich in phenylethylamine, a compound that has effects similar to amphetamine. Chocolate contains more antioxidants than red wine. The secret for passion is to combine the two. Try a glass of Cabernet with a bit of dark chocolate for a sensuous treat. Don’t drink too much wine, or it could backfire!
Garlic. Used for centuries in ancient Europe as an aphrodisiac, garlic stimulates the secretion of gastric juices, aids in digestion and increases blood flow. It is said that the “heat” in garlic stirs sexual desires.
Honey. Bees create honey through their process of procreation and pollination, which is sexy in itself. Honey also contains boron, a mineral that regulates hormone levels and boosts energy naturally.
Oysters. The classic aphrodisiac, oysters get a lot of attention for their mouth feel. Very high in protein, oysters are also rich in zinc and iron – nutrients that help in the transport of oxygen and stimulate metabolism. American and Italian researchers found that oysters have rare amino acids - D-aspartic acid and N-methyl-D-aspartate - that actually trigger a spike in sex hormones.
Pine Nuts. Chock full of zinc, a key mineral in maintaining male potency, pine nuts have been used to stimulate libido since Medieval times. Pine nuts are also a great source of healthy fats. It’s even been said that, when combined with olive oil (another aphrodisiac) and basil to make pesto, pine nuts can aid in maintaining sex drive.
Vanilla. Aromatic and seductive, the smell and flavor of vanilla is believed to increase feelings of lust. Some studies have shown that vanilla can raise levels of catecholamines, or adrenaline, in the blood.
In case you were still wondering, the word aphrodisiac actually comes from the name Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love and beauty, and although medical science has never substantiated claims that certain foods actually kindle desire, an Italian study suggests that the aphrodisiac potential of chocolate is purely psychological. But belief in the power of aphrodisiac foods dates back to ancient times.