Introduces Free New Product Hit Award Certification

May 15, 2012

A hit review from Phil can increase sales of your product and now you can include the SupermarketGuru New Product Hit Award Certification on your packaging to let consumers know

A hit review from Phil can increase sales of your product and now you can include the SupermarketGuru New Product Hit Award Certification on your packaging to let consumers know, at no charge…

The SupermarketGuru Product Hit Award Certification provides food companies the opportunity to promote a positive product review by SupermarketGuru’s Phil Lempert, one of America’s most trusted food critics. For manufacturers of “Hit” products, the award provides a unique differentiator in the marketplace and serves as a powerful marketing message to retailers and consumers. Consumer studies have shown that showcasing these types of awards on food packages has on average increased sales 15 percent!

The SupermarketGuru New Product Hit Award Certification can be used on packaging, on a website, in marketing materials such as newspaper advertisements, stationery, brochures, newsletters and posters.

If you would like to submit a product for review, please click here. If you already have received a “Hit” review and would like to use the The SupermarketGuru Product Award Certification, please contact for more information.