The App Review: Feedie

September 05, 2013

Each week we review a food related app. This week it’s Feedie – find out what the Lempert Report thought.

What it says it does: Feedie is an app by The Lunchbox Fund that transforms your passion for sharing food photos into actually sharing food for those who need it. Simply sign up via Facebook or Twitter and visit a participating restaurant. When you use Feedie to take a photo of your meal and post it, the restaurant makes a donation to The Lunchbox Fund—a non-profit organization that provides daily meals to schoolchildren in South Africa. Your post thanks the restaurant and spreads the Feedie message!

What it actually does: Feedie hopes to turn the food photo obsessives into "feedies." Eat at a participating restaurant and take a photo of your meal and share it on Google+, Foursquare, Facebook or Twitter; the restaurant will donate money to The Lunchbox Fund. Users can find restaurants by name, location or by where other feedies have been. Right now, with help from Mario Batali, about 100 New York restaurants are participating, including Del Posto, The Spotted Pig and La Esquina. Feedie plans to expand to Los Angeles and Chicago in the next few months.

How useful is the information for target audience?: The app is great as you can use it to locate restaurants giving to a great cause, The Lunchbox Fund.

Ease of use: Feedie is easy to use. Its straight forward functions and purpose make navigating the app a breeze. And it’s as easy as snapping a photo and posting it on Facebook to give back to those in need.

Who would best benefit from the app?: Anyone who loves taking photos of their food and also wants to donate to a great cause – and who doesn’t? Great job Feedie.

Cost: Free 

Rating: 5 of 5 (but please expand to more cities!)

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