THE APP REVIEW: Seafood Watch

October 04, 2012

Each week we review a food related app. This week's featured app is Seafood Watch – find out what the Lempert Report had to say.

What it says it does: Seafood Watch by Monterey Bay Aquarium brings the most current scientific recommendations to your fingertips, so you can make sustainable seafood choices quickly and easily—whether you're eating at your favorite restaurant or shopping for dinner. And with the new Project FishMap feature, you can contribute to the app by adding the names of businesses where you’ve found sustainable seafood. You can also locate seafood that others have found near you

What it actually does: Seafood Watch is a great app that lets users easily find out if the fish they are about to purchase or eat in a restaurant is a “best choice,” “good alternative,” or “avoid” according to the Monterey Bay Seafood Watch - in conjunction with their location. The app also allows users to search for seafood quickly and easily by common market names as well as Japanese names that will absolutely come in handy in any Japanese restaurant. You can even search local restaurants in your area that stock suggested seafood picks.

How useful is the information for target audience?: The information is extremely useful for those who are concerned with their personal, family and environmental health and who want to make the best choices in seafood. You’ll even learn a little as you go. 

Ease of use: The app is easy to use and will facilitate great choices among consumers. Users can search the seafood before they buy – it’s an interactive pocket guide.

Who would best benefit from the app?: The app is great for anyone who is interested in making the best choices in seafood or who wants to search local restaurants that offer “ocean-friendly” picks. 

Cost: Free

Rating: 4.5 of 5

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