Each week we review a food related app. This week it’s Zipongo – find out what the Lempert Report thought.
What it says it does: Zipongo helps users find savings, healthy foods, and build grocery lists for the grocery store, drug stores, and supercenters - whether shopping at Target, Walmart, Kroger, Safeway, Costco, Whole Foods, Trader Joe’s, Walgreens, Rite Aid, CVS or the users regional grocer, Zipongo will find healthy savings for you.
Zipongo has the ability to help organize weekly in-store sale items, digital coupons (can load to store rewards card), and - in select areas - deeply discounted pre-purchased offers.
What it actually does: Zipongo helps shoppers save time and money, and be healthy. Search for grocery savings, build a shopping list on-the-go, and check off items while shopping. With a few taps of your finger, users can see the savings at all of their favorite stores in one place, and Zipongo has curated the most healthy deals using “GO foods.” GO Foods are Zipongo-certified healthy, based on vitamin, and mineral analysis; its zRank methodology, built on national standards, peer-reviewed literature, and its expert team of doctors, foodies, and dietitians.
How useful is the information for target audience?: The app is useful for finding healthy local deals. Users can plan trips or meals around the healthy deals in their area, and Zipongo lets the user know when the deal expires so shopping occasions can be planned in advance.
Ease of use: The app is easy to use. Items are simple to search and add to your list. Users can also add items not on sale or not on Zipongo’s list of healthy items and use the app as their general shopping list. The interface is simple and straight forward.
Who would best benefit from the app?: The app is great for those who are looking to save money, time, and eat healthy!
Cost: Free
Rating: 3 of 5