The last revisions to pork standards happened in 1985, and now the USDA is asking for public comment new revisions to the United States Standards for Grades of Pork Carcasses.
The last revisions to pork standards happened in 1985, and now the USDA is asking for public comment new revisions to the United States Standards for Grades of Pork Carcasses.
The proposed revised standard identifies marbling and color as the primary considerations for quality designations, instead of lean/fat and yield as exists in the current standard. Further, the proposed revised standard excludes the provision for grading of sow carcasses, maintaining the official standards for barrows and gilts only.
Comments can be submitted electronically at Written comments should be sent to: Pork Carcass Revisions, Standardization Branch, Quality Assessment Division; Livestock Poultry and Seed Program, AMS, USDA; 1400 Independence Ave. SW., Room 3932-S, STOP 0258; Washington, DC 20250-0258. Comments may also be emailed to All comments should reference docket number AMS-LPS-17-0046, the date of submission, and the page number of this issue of the Federal Register. All comments received will be posted without change, including any personal information provided, and will be made available for public inspection at the above physical address during regular business hours.
For more information and background on the evolution of these standards visit: