Salad Dressing is a HIT!
You are probably familiar with creamy green goddess dressing - this is nothing like that! This is the real thing! It is delicious! This will make your salads better, not drown them in goop. First ingredient is olive oil which you can taste. A one ounce serving is 180 calories, 22 grams of fat, 170 grams of sodium and zero grams of sugars. The bi-lingual label is a bit pretentious, it's made in Maryland, but it's OK - the recipe lives up to the image. Delicious. Well done!
Retail Price: $5.49 Weight: 10 oz. |
Tessemae's 855.MYTESSE |
Celiac Certified | Gluten Free | Milk Free | No Added Sugars |
Vegan | Vegetarian |
SCORE 94 |
Taste 29 /30 |
Value 19 /20 |
Nutrition 14 /15 |
Ingredients 15 /15 |
Preparation 5 /5 |
Appearance 5 /5 |
Packaging 5 /5 |
Sustainability 2 /5 |