Phil: Tell me about, you know, our buddy Al Roker.
Sally: Well, as a, as we all know, it's black history month, a very important time where we celebrate the achievement achievements and the, contributions and break breakthroughs that black Americans have had. And this year, the theme, which I did not know that I actually didn't know that there was a theme and I just learned that today, but they do have a theme every year. And, and this year theme is, is black help and wellness. So they're focusing on, the rituals, familiar rituals and practices that are celebrated in the black community to improve wellness. And I think that's wonderful. And, and so Al Roker, your old, coworker here, it has, written this article here on Afro dot and he is praising some of these wonderful people out there that are working to help, the black community with food insecurity. There is nearly one and four black individuals that are at risk for hunger. And that is more than three times the rate in white households.
Phil: Yeah. And one of the people that he talks about is, Chef Grant, who is an army medic. He retired after 20 years in the army and then, went back to school to become a chef. And now he works in the soup kitchen in Georgia. Very, very cool. Like, like that idea a lot