Mark Lynas at Oxford Farming Conference

The Lempert Report
January 14, 2013

A funny thing happened on the way to Oxford

On January 3rd, Mark Lynas, one of the world’s foremost environmentalists and experts on climate change… and one of the original leaders in the anti-GMO movement made a startling statement at the UK’s Oxford Farming Conference.  His admonition comes at a critical time in our US food world – and every food brand and retailer should take note. In his remarks are specific science based examples on how and why biotech crops are critical to our food supply and I urge you to read the transcript as soon as you can. As we prepare for further debate on GMO labeling in Washington state, Vermont, Connecticut and other areas around the country it will be important that the facts – the science based facts – are known – to consumers of course, but also to the industry itself. There is little doubt that Prop 37 in California opened the discussion of some true and some not so true facts – now it is imperative that, regardless of which side of the issue you may be on, that we move away from the scare tactics and to research and science based information that has been validated. As the debate heats up – look for shoppers to ask questions and seek answers in the supermarket aisle – which makes me wonder if as an industry we are prepared to respond – with the facts. For a complete transcript of Lynas’ remarks just go to marklynas dot org and search for "oxford farming conference".