Standards in place for "Gluten Free"

The Lempert Report
August 22, 2014

"Gluten free" foods have become a huge trend and a big business in the last few years.

The Food and Drug Administration recently set in place new standards for Gluten Free labeling. So basically now, if a food package says it's gluten free, you can be well assured that it is! 

Under a rule announced a year ago, food manufacturers had until August of this year to ensure that anything labeled gluten-free contained less than 20 parts per million of gluten — ensuring that those products are technically free of wheat, rye and barley. This new regulation is much welcomed by people with celiac disease, who can suffer through flare ups of the disease if even the smallest amounts of gluten are consumed.

"Gluten free" foods have become a huge trend and a big business in the last few years. As consuming a 'gluten free' diet became a trend, millions of people are buying the foods without really knowing why or just  buying the foods because they say they make them feel better, even if they don't have celiac disease.

And while this increased interest in gluten free and not only raised awareness but also increased the variety of options in grocery stores, its also meant a slipping of standards. And as Alice Bast of the National Foundation for Celiac Awareness told the Huffington Post; "it also may have prompted some companies to lose focus on the people who need those foods the most."

So as companies now refocus on what it means to be gluten free, it's a reminder that as consumers continue to look for healthy options, supermarkets can fill a void and act as a source of information.  Provide knowledge and insight with tips and information into what certain labels mean and offer guidance on what healthy options are available.