The UK’s War On Obesity

The Lempert Report
May 08, 2018

Cancer Research UK is calling for England’s ministers to limit advertisements for junk foods including burgers, pizza, snacks, and beverages before 9pm.

Experts say teens in poorer areas are 'most at risk from the impact of promotions.’ They also report that teens that are exposed to these type of ads are twice as likely to be fat and calling to limit stores that sell these foods from opening near schools according to London’s The Sun. 

In the UK, One in three kids is overweight or obese— increasing their risk of developing type 2 diabetes, heart, liver disease and cancer. Overall, those with daily recall of the ads were 120 per cent more likely to be obese than those with minimal exposure, say researchers who polled 3,348 kids aged 11-19. 

Jyotsna Vohra, of Cancer Research UK, said: “The eating habits adopted in childhood are more likely to remain into adulthood. Curbing exposure to these ads would help reduce obesity.”

David Taylor-Robinson, of the Royal College of Paediatrics, said: “Impressionable youngsters are bombarded with ads.”  

Public Health England wants kids to consume 20 per cent less sugar by 2020.