Back to school season brings that daunting task of packing a lunchbox.
Back to school season brings that daunting task of packing a lunchbox. But it doesn’t have to be that hard!
As you can see, more and more kids are wanting what you want…something healthy. And now innovative food companies are making it easy and convenient to pack healthy options. Check out these ideas:
Try Wild Garden HUMMUS – in the original triangular packaging – easy to store in any lunch box and it’s a great, healthy and filling snack. The eco-friendly carton keeps hummus fresh all day.
Another healthy snack option that’s easy to pack:
Mediterra Nutrition bars. What’s innovative about these is that they’re filling, but not with bad stuff. Flavors include Tomato/Basil/Capers and Olive/Walnut/Chives. The bars are rich in vegetable content, but low in calories, sodium and sugar and contain protein and fiber. The Savory Bars serve as an alternative to sweet snacks providing super foods and amaranth, an ancient grain; so if kids want sweets in their lunch boxes, it comes from fruit that mom put in, not processed foods.
And when it comes to staying hydrated, options have expanded way beyond the water fountain or a sugar packed juice. Take for example. Orgain Kids A ready to drink, certified organic nutritional shake, their kids blend has a reduced protein content suitable for children along with a kid specific vitamin and mineral blend.
Or try Vita Coco kids. This naturally fruit flavored Coconut Water comes with half the sugar and half the calories of leading fruit juices.
And when it comes to juices, remember to always buy 100% juice. For added convenience go for a juice carton, like Juicey Juice or Minute Maid 100% Juice. With 50% of U.S households now having access to recycling cartons its time to Be Cartonsmart!