Cast Your Vote for SxSW PanelPicker: Grocerants, Dark Kitchens and the New Food Economy

August 09, 2016

Cast your vote today for this panel! And on the voting page, you can also watch Lempert and Broyles’ 2015 talk! It only takes a minute to vote, and helps keep important food discussions on the table at SXSW!

South by Southwest (SxSW) has become one of the most exciting events of the year in the USA drawing thousands of people to Austin, Texas for music, film, and interactive panels - including SouthBites that showcases food influencers and food futurists that discuss innovations affecting our food culture through a distinct lens. In 2015, our own Phil Lempert and Addie Broyles (American Austin-Statesmen), packed the house with an exciting discussion on the future of buying food and the retail environment. 

SXSW is taking online voting now for the 2017 panel line up, and this time Lempert and Broyles have an even more powerful panel discussion planned that covers Grocerants, Dark Kitchens and the New Food Economy. Joined this time by Jag Bath (Favor) and Anna Tauzin (National Restaurant Association), the team will address today’s most relevant challenges and trends in the food business world. If you are in the food world, you don’t want to lose out on the opportunity to learn from this discussion either at the actual conference or by video. 

Cast your vote today for this panel! And on the voting page, you can also watch Lempert and Broyles’ 2015 talk! It only takes a minute to vote, and helps keep important food discussions on the table at SXSW! 

Thank you in advance for your support!