Intuitive eating, Grilling big year-round, and strange festivals across the globe, for June 13th 2012, this is Food News Today.
>Good morning, Food News Today is sponsored by ConAgra Foods, who shares with me the desire to provide the most current, interesting, and unbiased food news.
Do you listen to your body’s cues to lose weight? With the obesity and chronic disease epidemic in the US, we need to change our course and find more actionable solutions for the population – earlier this week I spoke with Evelyn Tribole, registered dietitian, and author who specializes in intuitive eating.
Thanks so much Evelyn.
>The weather is warming up, and so are our grills! The latest SupermarketGuru consumer panel finds the enthusiasm for grilling is now year-round. During the warmer months, Over three-quarters of our panel told us that they grill between one and three nights per week. And we found that 60% of our panel enjoys grilling in the colder months just as much as in the warmer months.??Men have traditionally play the role of "grill-master" in households, but only 51% of our panel said this was true these days. What foods are on the grill? 4 out of 5 "must have" burgers (beef and turkey), or chicken. Other "must haves" include vegetables , hot dogs/franks, fish and veggie burgers. What’s on your grill these days? Drop me a note with your more exotic grilling ideas for a future report right here on Food News Today. i
>One could argue that summer time brings lots of great foods: a plethora of fruits and vegetables, outdoor eating and partying and some strange food festivals… First we head to Honolulu, for the Waikiki Spam Jam! The per capita consumption of Spam in Hawaii is the number one in the nation, so its logical that Hawaiians gather to celebrate everything Spam. Displays showcase and vendors sell everything from Spam burgers and Spam fried rice, to Spam t-shirts and other clothing. I know you’re laughing – but get this, the festival attracts over 20,000 visitors.Next we head east, across the pond as they say, to the Cooper's Hill Cheese-Rolling and Wake, near Gloucester, England. For over 200 years, cheese enthusiasts from around the world have gathered here to roll a wheel of Double Gloucester cheese down the hill, reaching speeds of up to 70 miles per hour. Following in the cheese’s wake are the cheese loving competitors. The first person over the finish line at the bottom of the hill wins, what else? The cheese. I prefer mine from the dairy case.
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