Help End Hunger in America

December 02, 2010

15 percent of all American families have trouble securing enough food...

The U.S. Department of Agriculture announced new data suggesting that about 15 percent of all American families have trouble securing enough food. According to USDA’s report, Household Food Security in the United States, 50.1 million Americans - including more than 17 million children - lack the means to get enough nutritious food on a regular basis.

Within this group, the USDA found that roughly six percent of all households had at least one member who was under-nourished and about 28 percent of that group actually went without food for at least one full day. Conversely, the typical food-secure household spent 33 percent more on food than the typical food-insecure household of the same size and household composition.

During the holidays, as we are all thinking about ways to give back to our communities, consider this data from the charitable organization Share Our Strength: 
Children who face hunger are more susceptible to obesity and its harmful health consequences as children and as adults. Undernourished children under the age of 3 cannot learn as much, as fast or as well. 
Lack of enough nutritious food impairs a child’s ability to concentrate and perform well in school. 
Children who don’t get enough nutritious food are more susceptible to the negative effects of skipping breakfast on their ability to think and learn. 
Children who regularly do not get enough nutritious food have more behavioral, emotional and academic problems and tend to be more aggressive and anxious. 
Teens who regularly do not get enough to eat are more likely to be suspended from school and have difficulty getting along with other kids.

Here are some ways you can get involved and make a donation to charitable organizations who work to fight hunger in the U.S.:

Feeding America

Share Our Strength's No Kid Hungry Campaign

Feed the Children