PARTICIPATE NOW in our annual SupermarketGuru Consumer Panel Survey. Take about 15 minutes, and maybe win our RANDOM DRAWING for some great prizes -- like an iPad, cookbooks, and gift certificates to your favorite store!
America has definite views on foods and the stores that sell them. TELL US your latest thoughts - how you rate their performance, what you want (and don't want) from them, how you're eating differently today, and more.
PARTICIPATE NOW in our annual SupermarketGuru Consumer Panel Survey. Take about 15 minutes, and maybe win our RANDOM DRAWING for some great prizes -- like an iPad, cookbooks, and gift certificates to your favorite store!
Also help make a difference in the food world. We report survey findings to supermarkets and food brands at a major convention each winter, and they use these insights to SATISFY YOU more.
• GRAND PRIZE: 1 winner! A new iPad
• FIRST PRIZE: 3 winners! A set of 15 cookbooks ($250 value, each set)
• SECOND PRIZE: 5 Winners! A $100 gift certificate to your favorite food store
• RUNNERS UP: 26 Winners! Our own extra-large heavy-duty canvas SupermarketGuru tote bag
Click here to take survey and enter our drawing!