Kimbal Musk Really Wants To Change Food

The Lempert Report
August 26, 2016

Elon Musk’s brother wants to sell fast, healthy, and organic food for under $5

We’ve talked before about Musk and his now famous quote given in an interview to CNN Money is even more telling of his path: “I think food right now, it feels like 1995 in the Internet days. The amount of innovation and excitement and enthusiasm is unbridled.” 

Yes he made a fortune with his brother pre-Tesla days then went on to culinary school, has built neighborhood gardens and opened up restaurants. Now he is setting his sights on fast food and hopes to challenge the likes of McDonald’s and Subway with Kitchenette where everything will be fast, healthy, and organic and cost under $5. 

He told Grubstreet that “the space will be like a coffee shop, with a counter, indoor seating, and a big patio out front, and the menu will mostly consist of sandwiches, soups, and salads, all made using ingredients sourced from nearby farms. The locavore bent will ensure ingredients stay seasonal.” 

The influx and influence of Silicon Valley into the food world – in every aspect of the supply chain is a good thing. While some may feel that these big buck entrepreneurs have no place in the food world, I think it is critical to tap into and learn from a new lens looking at what has been traditionally a non innovative industry. Just piling it high, and loading it with sugar, sodium and fat doesn’t work any more.