Online Shopping Growth

The Lempert Report
November 18, 2021

Acosta released its latest research report, The Growth of Online Shopping Shows No Signs of Slowing Down. According to the research nearly 25% of all online grocery shoppers plan to do more within the next year. There are some interesting learnings: Over half, 59% of consumers stuck with their traditional in-store grocer since the pandemic started. 35% of online grocery shoppers now use their smartphones more often for planning and shopping, 34% now buy a wider variety of items and are trying new products – obviously for me its all about the ease of discovery and grocers making recommendation thru digital. Acosta also found that 29% said they are spending less time grocery shopping. I’m just wondering if that assessment includes not just the time it takes to order online, but also the time to confirm or deny replacements while the shopper is shopping for them. And then there is the time sitting at home waiting for them to deliver.

Sure, delivery times have gotten so much better, but in many parts of the country you still have to select a two-hour window. Except in NYC where the 15-minute grocery deliveries are popping up – but hey – that was last week’s episode – check out our archives on if you missed that Bullseye. Acosta’s survey also reported that during the pandemic 31% of shoppers started using online subscriptions and about 90% of them intend to continue their subscriptions into 2022. It is clear that on-line grocery shopping is here to stay with Acosta finding that 23% plan to shop for groceries more in 2022 and 64% continuing to shop at their current level. The reality is that we have to ramp up to meet these shoppers needs, with better and more accurate search, nutritional’s and ingredient information and photos on grocers websites. We also have to make sure that these ordering sites are mobile-friendly and most important we need to understand that while many shoppers like to order on-line they also like to shop in-stores for their produce, their meats and other fresh foods. It’s the hybrid model of buying those unemotional branded or store brands that are shelf stable online – then coming into the store to buy their fresh foods. It’s click, shop & collect.