Stay on track with the USDA’s new tool: SuperTracker. Keep your new year’s resolution and make it part of your lifestyle with this new tool
Complementing the First Lady Michelle Obama’s Let’s Move! Initiative, The USDA recently released the SuperTracker, which provides practical information to help individuals, health professionals, nutrition educators, and of course consumers build healthier diets. As we are experiencing epidemic rates of overweight and obesity, the online resources and tools available at aim to empower healthier lifestyle, food, and physical activity choices for all stages of life.
The tool allows users to quickly look up in-depth info about foods as well as specific diet and activity tracking and analysis over time, as well as weight management. SuperTracker even personalizes recommendations for diet and physical activity.
Customizable features such as goal setting, virtual coaching, weight tracking and journaling are available. Consumers can measure progress with comprehensive reports ranging from a simple meal summary to in-depth analysis of food groups and nutrient intake over time.
SupermarketGuru encourages you to familiarize yourself with the USDA SuperTracker tool. You may find it very helpful to keep note of the many aspects of staying healthy and keep you on track, as well as learning new tips, exercises, recipes and meal planning ideas.
In the coming months the USDA is set to promote the following messages: Drink Water Instead of Sugary Drinks; Make at Least Half Your Grains Whole Grains; and Avoid Oversized Portions. Keep an eye out for these and maybe you and your family can try something new every month.