You asked that we make our newsletter information more convenient, and we've responded! Starting tomorrow you will only receive one newsletter - a combined SG and TLR - none of the content will change - just the way we produce it, and we trust you will find it easier to navigate through our columns and videos.
As you know reached a major milestone this year of over 50,000 original articles! In an effort to continue bringing you the most up to date information in food industry issues, trends and analysis, we have redesigned the website to make it easier for you, our readers, to navigate through our large database of articles, videos, consumer panels, new product reviews, as well as our daily "5 Must Read" food stories culled from the media across the globe.
You also asked that we make our newsletter information more convenient, and we've responded! Starting today you will only receive one newsletter - a combined SG and TLR - none of the content will change - just the way we produce it, and we trust you will find it easier to navigate through our columns and videos. You don't have to do a thing. As a subscriber to either one or both, you will continue to receive our daily updates now all in one much more powerful and content-rich newsletter.
Thank you for your readership and helping us to grow and remain an influential voice within the food industry. And as always, we welcome your feedback!
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