Which Retailer Will Have the Biggest Impact in 2018?

December 18, 2017

Results from two live polls conducted during Phil Lempert's 2018 Food and Retail Top Ten Trends Forecast.

In last week’s 2018 Food and Retail Top Trends, Phil Lempert conducted two live quick polls with participants. We wanted to share those results with you.

The first live survey was conducted as part of the “Neuronutrition and Biohacking” trend. Phil discussed the exciting developments in DNA kits and nutritional foods that help us achieve optimum wellness. Phil asked the audience, “Would you submit your DNA to create a custom nutrition profile?” 

This trend seems to have quite a bit of interest with nearly 47% saying “yes,” 37% saying “maybe, meet to know more,” and only 16% saying, “no.”  

In the second poll, Phil asked participants to choose which retailer they believe will have the most impact in the US in 2018? Here are the results, with Amazon - Whole Foods the clear winner. 

  • Amazon-Whole Foods: 69%
  • Walmart: 14%
  • Aldi: 10%
  • Kroger: 5%
  • Alibaba: 2% 

To view the entire presentation click here.