Take & Bake Frozen is a HIT!
I know everyone wants to be "gluten-free" but for those of you that don't and still enjoy a really good bread - you'll have to try these. Frozen, bakes in just 11 minutes, the La Brea bakery products have always been among my favorite and came out perfectly. And now eating these right from the oven is so easy and delicious. Little wine, little cheese and a warm baguette and butter. Aahhh. One baguette is 340 calories, 2 grams of fat, 800 mg of sodium and 12 grams of protein, so...... indulgence is the key word.
Retail Price: $3.99 Weight: 1 lb. - 4 baguettes |
La Brea Bakery 855-427-9982 www.labreabakery.com |
Kosher | No Added Sugars | No Artificial Colors | No Artificial Flavors |
No Artificial Preservatives |
SCORE 87 |
Taste 27 /30 |
Value 18 /20 |
Nutrition 12 /15 |
Ingredients 15 /15 |
Preparation 5 /5 |
Appearance 5 /5 |
Packaging 5 /5 |
Sustainability 0 /5 |