Packaged Foods: Less is More!

The Lempert Report
March 04, 2014

Larger portions of food not only lead consumers to like the food less, they also reduce how often people consumer those foods.

More isn't always better!  According to a recent Carnegie Mellon University study, larger portions of food not only lead consumers to like the food less, they also reduce how often people consumer those foods! Says Carey Morewedge, co-author of the study: "Although people often say they prefer larger portion sizes, especially for foods that they really like, our research indicates that consumption of larger portions can ultimately decrease the frequency at which these foods are consumed,”.

Why? According to the "sensory-specific satiety" phenomenon we enjoy each bite of a food or sip of a beverage less than the previous one. The more we eat or drink the more satiety reduces how much we enjoy that food or beverage. This research can be used effectively by Supermarkets when it comes to prepared foods. The overriding suggestion seems to be that consumers are better off with smaller portions.  And not only will they eat it more, they'll come back for more. Which is good for retailers. When supermarkets package prepared foods, they should bear this in mind, not only will their consumers be happier, but Supermarkets will benefit from an increase in purchases.