What's the Most Expensive Food in the World?

The Lempert Report
February 25, 2015

Yoplait Cuts the Sugar, Fiber: The Dieters Dream and a Subscription Coffee?

Welcome to The Lempert Report; Food News Today!
Is this the Most Expensive Food in the World?!
If you love Caviar, check this out. A fish farmer in Austria is offering a caviar dish for the small price of $114,000 per kilo!  To put that in perspective, according to the Guinness Book of Records, the most expensive food on record is a caviar called Almas which sells for a comparatively cheap $35,000 per kilogram.  So why is this new one worth so much more? The white caviar “Strottarga Bianco” includes rare albino sturgeon dried roe sprinkled with gold leaf. Sound good?  Well, let's see if anyone will pay for it! 
Yoplait Cuts the Sugar
Yoplait just got a little better for you.  General Mills announced they would be reducing sugar in Yoplait Original by 25% and increasing protein by 1g. Mike Siemienas, manager of brand media relations at General Mills, told FoodNavigator-USA that no high intensity sweeteners such as stevia or monk fruit had been added and that quote;
"While the product does have a slightly different taste, we did extensive consumer testing to ensure that consumers still love the taste and texture of Yoplait Original yogurt. http://www.foodnavigator-usa.com/Manufacturers/General-Mills-to-reduce-sugar-in-Yoplait-Original-by-25/
Fiber: The Dieters Dream
If you want to lose weight, new research says, focus on fiber! 
In a year-long trial of 240 obese people with metabolic syndrome, results showed that those who just focused on eating 30g of fiber lost almost as much weight as those who followed the more complicated diet laid out by the American Heart Association. Possible reasons why? Fiber fills you up and keep you fuller, longer. 
Subscription Coffee
Starbucks is offering a subscription service, offering its special "Reserve" roasts on a monthly basis. Interested? The service will cost you $288 a year, you'll receive 12 shipments of the company's rare, small-batch roasted coffees. And while that might sound a lot, break it down and it's only about $0.79. A lot less than that latte!  http://www.fastcompany.com/3042548/youll-pay-288-for-coffee-and-youll-like-it
To find out more on all of these stories, click on the links! Thanks for watching and see you next week!