Facts, Figures, & the Future (F3) e-Newsletter provides the latest consumer data, facts, figures, and trend information. Today's issue features: Stores should reorient to changing food culture, Beer shows new life, Asian-Americans: fast growth, deep pockets, Crickets in aisles 1 to 15 and more.
Facts, Figures, & the Future (F3) e-Newsletter provides the latest consumer data, facts, figures, and trend information. Today's issue features: Stores should reorient to changing food culture, Beer shows new life, Asian-Americans: fast growth, deep pockets, Crickets in aisles 1 to 15 and more.
• Eating and food shopping grow more spontaneous, and cooking is less of an expert activity.
• Supermarkets hop onto the new-taste parade in beers to improve their specialty image.
• These shoppers can be swayed in-store and reached by multiple media in their respective non-English languages.
• Supermarkets need to re-secure their grip on packaged-food sales, suggest SymphonyIRI Group statistics.
Facts, Figures & the Future is in its ninth year of publication, providing food retailers and manufacturers with timely information to help meet the needs of our ever changing shopping culture. F3 is delivered FREE to qualified subscribers, the second Monday of each month. Click here to sign up now and read our most recent issue.