Video Content Essential for Shopper Engagement

May 21, 2017

Video is a preferred method of education and engagement with brands.

Recognizing the importance of video in communicating issues of health and wellness, RDBA is launching a new section of our website: Education Videos. Our first posted videos are from our sponsors, the Florida Department of Citrus and Monsanto. Check them out here website.

Why is video important? The statistics are clear:

  • In 2015, video accounted for 70% of consumer internet traffic, and is expected to increase to 82% by 2020 (Cisco).
  • Sixty-four percent of marketers expect video to dominate their strategies in the near future (Nielsen).
  • YouTube has one billion unique visits every month.
  • Seven out of ten people view brands in a more positive light after watching interesting video content from them (Axonn Research).

Video is a preferred method of education and engagement with brands. A video can go viral, quickly launching a new hit product or launching a new music career.  Most importantly, it’s a style of communication essential for retail dietitians to master for use in building your health and wellness brand and maximizing your shopper engagement.  

Consider these ways in which to use videos:

  • If you offer a “RD Pick” program, film short videos on featured products.  Highlight how you like to use them and demonstrate how to prep and cook them.  House the videos on the wellness or RD page of your retailer’s website and promote them in social media.
  • Tasty videos are all the rage, and by using this style, you can introduce your shoppers to easy, healthy recipes.  Because only hands are seen in this style of video, they are much easier to produce.
  • Testimonials are an effective way to encourage behavior change.  Have you had shoppers find success in weight loss or lifestyle change through one of your classes or programs?  Then video them to encourage more shoppers to utilize your programs and services. 
  • Cooking skills continue to be a barrier to healthy eating habits. Develop short videos to showcase fundamental cooking skills.  Use the videos during store tours, link them to key products in your retailer’s online shopping, or have them streaming on iPads in key departments of your store.

In a previous article, Live Video Streaming, we shared tips for using Facebook Live and Periscope, which may be helpful for developing your videos.

Shoppers continue to evolve, and to keep up, evolving education and promotions styles is essential.