Crunchy Coconut Bites is a HIT!
This is an interesting snack. Coconut and sesame seeds toasted and pressed together. It's taste is good and one that I definitely could get used to. Not too sweet tasting and no added sugars. Imported from Thailand a bag has 210 calories, 15 grams of fat, only 10 mg of sodium (yay!) with 15 grams of carbs, and 5 grams of naturally occurring sugars and 3 grams of protein. Give it a try and let me know what you think.
Retail Price: $2.99 Weight: 1.4oz |
Hyperama +44 115 985 1300 |
Gluten Free | Good Source of Fiber | No Added Sugars | No Artificial Colors |
No Artificial Flavors | No Artificial Preservatives | No or Low Sodium | Non-GMO |
Vegan |
SCORE 91 |
Taste 26 /30 |
Value 19 /20 |
Nutrition 14 /15 |
Ingredients 14 /15 |
Preparation 5 /5 |
Appearance 5 /5 |
Packaging 5 /5 |
Sustainability 3 /5 |