Ultra Processed Food Increases Depression

The Lempert Report
October 19, 2023

There's another study that came out that found the one in seven adults and one in eight kids may be hooked on ultra processed foods as an addiction. What they're saying is ultra processed foods, including ice cream, carbonated drinks, ready to eat meals - all of these have an increase in cancer, weight gain and heart disease, and it now makes up more than half the average diet both here in the US and in the UK. And what it can do is give us some behavioral challenges intense craving symptoms of withdrawal, less control over intake, continued use, despite some consequences, such as obesity, binge order, poor physical and mental health and the lower quality of life. This report looked at 281 studies from 36 different countries. It's a very robust study and they found that ultra processed food addiction occurs in 14% of adults and 12% in kids, and that's just right now.

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